

Ever since I opened Izabella’s Gourmet Chow, I wanted to do something for the community, start doing charitable work, teach kids, young adults and adults with disabilities and organize charitable events. 

Families who are blessed with healthy kids often forget that there is an entire community of equally blessed families with family members who do not have it as easy as others.  Some kids or adults with varying degrees of disabilities are a bit different than the kids and adults without any disabilities BUT, all kids will be kids and adults will be adults. We all love life, to have fun, good food and we love to laugh. We all love pizza, pasta, tacos, French tarts, cakes and explore the world. Bringing fun, food and cultures into those communities is the most rewarding thing anyone can do.

How the Pandemic of 2020 Helped to Make a Difference

As the pandemic in March 2020 started, all of Izabella’s Gourmet Chow face-to-face classes became obsolete for obvious reasons. They only way to proceed, was to do so virtually - so all classes were available through online meetings rooms.

Now that I was able to reach a larger audience because there was no longer a hindering convenience and proximity issue, this allowed me to really fulfill my charitable endeavors.

Now Izabella’s Gourmet Chow always donates 30% or more from of the proceeds from Zoom classes to various charities including: food banks, hospice, but primarily organizations that help kids and adults with disabilities.

To date, Izabella’s Gourmet Chow has donated to: 

Another Way to Help

As of September 23, 2020, Izabella’s Gourmet Chow started to teach monthly International Cooking Classes, “Cooking with a Twist” to National Association for Down Syndrome (NADS).  The classes are for young adults ages 18 and up.

As of November 2020, Izabella’s Gourmet Chow started to teach bi-monthly International Cooking Classes, “Cooking with a Twist” to Down Syndrome Association of Pittsburgh (DSAP). The classes are for the kids 3+ years of age.

As of June 2021, Izabella’s Gourmet Chow will teach International Cooking Classes,” Cooking with a Twist” at Woodlands, in person and virtually.

As of March 2022, Izabella’s Gourmet Chow started to teach Charity cooking classes with 100% donations going to kids of Ukraine through UNISEF. Up to date, we have collected $2,475.

If there is a way we can work together, please contact me. I would love to collaborate.